Frank Hase is the head of the groundbased remote sensing group of IMK-ASF, KIT, and leads the COCCON network, which is based on a new type of portable FTIR spectrometer for the measurement of the main greenhouse gases was developed by the KIT in cooperation with Bruker Optics (Ettlingen, Germany).
- PhD in Physics | University of Karlsruhe | 1997 - 2000
- Diploma in Physics | University of Karlsruhe | 1995
Professional Experience
- 2022 Habilitation at KIT (Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences),
- 2021-now Head of the groundbased remote sensing group of IMK-ASF, KIT
- 2017-now Head of COCCON project
- 2002-2021 Staff scientist in groundbased remote sensing group of IMK-ASF, KIT,
- 2002 Visiting Scientist at NCAR 2002
- 2000-2002 Postdoc in groundbased remote sensing group of IMK-ASF, KIT